The opportunities of Westminster’s new Labour administration

Recently, a friend forwarded an article from the Financial Times to me. The article is titled ‘We are not revolutionaries: Business warms to Labour-led Westminster Council’ and details how the new administration is more cordial and pragmatic with the private sector than many first thought they would be.


Some hard-line supporters of the party might cry havoc, and raise the alarm against a Labour administration cosying up to business. But I believe that it isn’t anti-left wing to work closely with the private sector. As our representatives, the new administration should be seizing opportunities that will benefit us on our behalf. Very few of the excellent things we love about this city have come without private investment; think The Millennium Dome, The London Eye, Westfield, the Sainsburys wing at the National Gallery – the list goes on.


In the article, there are quotes from several business leaders and developers who have voiced being pleasantly surprised by the Labour council and its new leader, and have described how the party is more ‘pragmatic’ and ‘approachable’ than its predecessor, which gives the impression of an administration that will not stand in the way of growth.


I know that myself and many of my friends who live locally had become quite frustrated with the previous administration. They had become stagnant, made poor decisions (remember the Marble Arch Mound?), and maintained a poor relationship with many of the communities local to Westminster.


I, for one, look forward to our representatives welcoming in new opportunities, more investment in the areas that need it, and hopefully more of a focus on maintaining and improving community assets.


Let’s see what they’re able to deliver.


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December Steering Group Meeting