Support the QMSC Regeneration Project

As a community, we need to put pressure on Westminster City Council to agree to a redevelopment of the Queen Mother Sports Centre. There is a real opportunity for us to create a world-class facility, the designs of which will be co-produced by the community itself to ensure that all local needs are met. If you would like be a part of this process, please let us know in the ‘other comments’ section of the below survey.

This is a radical new form of redevelopment; the opportunity to implement it doesn't come along often, and time is running out. Register your support below to help us create something that will benefit local people for generations to come.

*It is important to note that any potential redevlopment of the QMSC through a Vitcorp / Westminster City Council partnership will ensure continuous use of a pool, on-site, during the construction phase. This is only logistically possible with a partnership.

QMSC Survey

The below survey will help us understand public opinion on the Queen Mother Sports Centre, and its potential regeneration. Below the survey, you will find information on contacting your representatives.

Write to your representative

Find your councillors

Follow this link to find your representative. You likely have either two or three councillors representing you.


Draft your email

Either you can put it in your own words or, if you’re strapped for time, use the template email below.



Your email will be read by your representative, and we will be one step closer to delivering tangible positive social change in Westminster.



I am writing to you to express my support for the proposed redevelopment of the Queen Mother Sports Centre on Vauxhall Bridge Road.

I believe that The City of Westminster should facilitate the development of a new state-of-the-art, truly accessible leisure centre, which will also bring other benefits such as desperately needed affordable housing and retail space to envigorate the local area.

This opportunity is time sensitive, and truly the only chance that this community will have to gain such an enormous community asset at no cost to the taxpayer. It is vital that we act now, if we are to seize this opportunity. Please consider how this will benefit generations to come.

Kind Regards,


Steering Group

  • Rev. Graham Buckle

    Vicar of St John with St Stephens, Westminster

  • Garden House School

    Garden House School P.E Department

  • Chelsea & Westminster Swimming Club

    One of the top swimming clubs in the United Kingdom

  • The Otter Swimming Club

    A hugely prestigious swimming club, boasting olympic medalists among their ranks.

  • Ambition Health & Performance

    Leading local fitness company and users of the QMSC.

  • Westminster Catholic Choir School

    Excellent Catholic School in the heart of Westminster.

  • Westminster Under School

    Westminster Under School

    Westminster Under School is an independent preparatory school for boys, attached to Westminster School in London.

  • Pimlico Puffins

    Pimlico Puffins is a swimming club for those who have a learning or physical disability who would like to learn to swim or exercise in the water.