Giving a platform to inspiring initiatives across Pimlico and beyond.





Against the backdrop of 400 leisure centres closing down over the last decade alone, the health of the Queen Mother Sports Centre is ailing. But, a rare opportunity has arrived. A local private developer (with their offices on Vauxhall Bridge Road) has proposed a deal with Westminster City Council to develop a new state-of-the-art sports centre, alongside other benefits such as on-site affordable housing and retail space to breath new life into the area. This deal would come at no cost to the taxpayer - the developer would build out the new sports facility, with ownership always being retained by Wesminster City Council.

But, there is a catch. Due to planning laws in England, there is only a short window in which this can happen. If a deal is not agreed between the developer and Westminster City Council, time will quickly run out and this opportunity will no longer be a possibility. It is crucial that we act now if we are to take advantage of this huge opportunity. Never again will we have the chance to gain a publicly owned, state-of-the-art sports centre without spending a penny of public funds. If you want to support this new Sports Centre, follow the big green button to take part in the survey, and help communicate to decision makers that we are running out of time to make this happen.

What is Pimlico People’s Forum? The PPF is a new online tool created with community in mind. Pimlico is a wonderful place to live and work, and we wanted to create a single resource that brings together all of the events, voices and campaigns for change that are happening in the local area.

Many of our members are involved in local campaigns. For example, we are currently campaigning for the regeneration of the Queen Mother Sports Centre on Vauxhall Bridge Road.  See more here.



Introducing The Pimlico Post

We’re proud to announce the launch of a new local newspaper, The Pimlico Post. This paper will contain local news, features on local history, local events, arts, and more.

The front page of the Spring edition draws people into the appeal for the Queen Mother Sports Centre, which we help will spread the news about the opportunity available.

It also contains some local news, local history, recipes, a quiz, crossword, and more. If you’d like a free copy of the newspaper, enter your details below. And if you’d be interested in advertising in The Pimlico Post, please get in contact here.